Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What makes me read an aritcle? (draft)

I've seen a lot of great writers and read some of their works. But famous names written below their stories are not enough to catch my eyes or even to finish reading the entire article. Big names are not enough to square up my foot. I've seen different styles from how they cast the alphabets and from alphabets to letters they gather and reconstruct tons of fragments. It's really amazing how they stir up metaphors and old-fashioned idioms.
But what makes me read an article? I have to admit that I only choose what I read and who doesn't? Reading what you want is not a crime. I have to say that a strong title is a good catch for me and for everyone else. Good titles and thrilling lead paragraphs provide impressions and expectations to every reader. It gives us question that makes us jump to another same question like, "Okay, what's going to happen next?"
When the title catches your eyes, you wouldn't think of anything more but to read the whole article and somehow you will find yourself trapped from your own railings and there is no going back.
And after reading it, you decide. It's either you would say it's essential and it's worth reading or you might ask yourself, "Why the heck did I read this?" But there's nothing more you can do about it because you're already done reading the article, just like this essay.

1 comment:

Rome Jorge said...

Checked - Prof. Jorge